Dalai Grace

Dalai Grace's Clients
Dalai Grace serves incredible humans on their one-of-a-kind path. These humans are as varied as their paths. They tend to be high-performing & achieving, including:
- Tech executives and individuals in high profile positions.
- High net-wealth empire builders.
- Entrepreneurs creating and sharing their magic with the world.
- Women & men desiring even more from themselves and the experience of their life and relationships.
- Moms & dads who are expanding themselves to benefit their entire family and be conscious role models to their children.
In a nutshell, Dalai Grace’s soul mate clients are having a human experience. For many of them (not all) they also recognize they are an Infinite Being.
Dalai Grace's clients LOVE working with her and are served by her four decades of experience, training, education, skill development and personal inner evolution.
- She took her first social-emotional training at age 7...
- Followed by years of conflict management & mediation training during elementary and middle school, then leadership training.
- At age 15, she taught her first personal development course.
She also knew at 15 that serving the light and love in others is her calling.
Working With Dalai Grace
Dalai Grace has an incredible ability to create the Frequency of Safety with others.
From safety, she connects to the humanity inside of each person and their unique experience of being a human, with all its Traumas, conditioning, limitations, and the human desire for more.
Dalai Grace works with clients to:
- Identify what they truly desire,
- Identify what is in the way of the desire (this is often programming from BEFORE the age of 3!),
- And to make graceful changes at the unconscious level so reaching for more (the desire) is easier and natural.
One client describes this work accurately as “more effective & efficient than therapy!”
Having a human experience - especially once we recognize we are an Infinite Being having this human experience - is hard enough.
Dalai Grace’s view is that healing and freeing our Selves from the past (trauma and suffering) doesn’t have to be hard, too…in fact, it can be fun, easy, playful, and adventurous.
This is where Dalai Grace integrates all of her experience with higher states of consciousness to support people in this growth. (Discover more about this near the bottom of this page.)
An Easier & More Graceful Journey for YOU!
Additionally, it gets to be even easier and even more graceful for you as there are other significant aspects of consciousness at play for those working with Dalai Grace.
Working with someone who has done significant inner work, healing, and spiritual expansion - who has made the journey we are all on - allows us to progress even more quickly in our own inner work and spiritual journey.
Dalai Grace is modeling, living, and teaching the possibilities that are available to all of us.
She often witnesses her clients get to places inside themselves in a fraction of the time and effort it took her. (This is why people live and study with “gurus”.)
Dalai Grace’s clients share the following characteristics:
- Courage to walk the path ahead of them.
- Willingness to look at everything inside of them, seen and unseen, light and dark.
- Acceptance of their life so far and acceptance of the compassionate, powerful, fierce, bold light that Dalai Grace helps shine in the unseen and dark places.
- Responsibility to themselves and their life as a creation.
- Accountability to doing the inner work and tasks that support the change work, integration, and the results desired.
- Openness to this path, to the discomfort that arises, and to the changes required to evolve and expand.
- And even more courage.
This journey truly is a courageous one AND it is infinitely rewarding.
RESULTS Dalai Grace’s clients often receive from this work:
New levels of Self Mastery.
Improved relationships.
Improved health in all areas.
Increased wealth.
Even more freedom in every area of life (because it starts within).
Release old patterns of negativity.
Evolve into behaviors that are supportive and move towards desired results.
Become even more internally referenced and motivated by joy, love, contentment, peace (versus being externally referenced, which is focused on the 3D, other people, acquisition of status/title/wealth/toys/things/experiences/addictions/etc.)
Shine their light and create positive impact in the world (and often in new ways and to exponentially greater levels).
Dalai Grace’s areas of special focus & experience include:
The Structure of Creation & How to Design, Create, & Live YOUR Ecstatic Life
Relationships (all of them) and co-creating spiritual partnerships
Sexual trauma (women & men)
Early childhood psychological + emotional trauma - including childhood attachment
The Codependent - Narcissist System and breaking free of it
Care of the Body and Mind
Dissolving Fear Based Thinking
Additional Dalai Grace Magic:
- Co-Creator of Out-Of-This-World Spiritual Partnership with her love, Sebastian, since 2018 and "bonus mom" to his three children (now all teens!)
- Creator & Trainer of Psychedelic NLP (aka Mind Manifesting NLP)
- Creator & Trainer of Time Travel Embodiment
- Certified Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
- Certified Trainer of NLP Coaching
- Certified Trainer of Hypnosis
- Master NLP Coach
- Transformational NLP Practitioner
- Years of Consciousness Studies & Exploration
- 2 Masters Degrees
- Unsubscribed From Many of the Conditioned Systems
- Initiated Into Personal Power / Creator Power
Dalai Grace’s Personal Message
As you consider working with Dalai Grace or engaging with any of her or Ecstatic Collective’s offerings, please consider this:
“The work you do inside of yourself is the best gift you can ever give to your Self and to the world.
The more you shed the past and own the truth of who & what you innately ARE, the more you automagically serve the world around you.
Who you BECOME is a gift, shedding layers to reveal who you truly BE:
Truth, Light, Love, All -
and you shine it into the world for all to see.
And that radiance is an invitation to everyone - whether consciously or unconsciously - to the light inside of them to shine even more.
Healed people heal the world.
Your invitation to healing and evolution is here and your participation is requested and required.
Are you in? You are, aren't you!?”
Welcome in!
From here, please Choose Your Own Adventure:
1. Explore our Offerings. See, hear, feel what is here for you and the path ahead.
(Click here for this adventure.)
2. Explore Dalai Grace's journey from the head to the heart and how her favorite higher states of consciousness contributed to creating this life of service.
(Scroll down for this option.)
Reminder, Dalai Grace's given name was "Dena" and there are places you may see/hear this name.
My Journey From the Head to the Heart
& How I Create Flow to Live a More Magical Life
My method for healing and evolving my Self so I can live a magical life is simple.
I love intentionally utilizing higher states of consciousness (AKA flow states - altered states - non-ordinary states).
By getting into my body and into higher states of consciousness,
everything is possible - and change is FAST!
From this higher state, I integrate the power of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) to do the change work...and voila!
With this methodology, I've navigated healing and transcending so much *stuff* (that would have taken lifetimes in "traditional therapy") so I get to have an even more joyful, peaceful, and magical life now!
My Favorite States:
(Tip: read through each state in the order presented as this tells my journey.)

My faves: running, dancing, skiing.

Anytime, any place.

It's how we learn!

The only thing I truly wanted in my life was to feel safe. Psychedelics helped me free myself from the trauma prison of childhood sexual abuse, find the Frequency of Safety, and reclaim who I AM.

My Voice
Finding my authentic voice has been instrumental in my transformation - and in allowing others to receive me.